Shop Area Rugs

With a background in cleaning and repairing area rugs, we are the experts on all things rugs. We believe in excellent quality and timeless designs. That's why we manufacture our own area rugs, source our own wool and hand-dye each and every fiber. With dozens of our signature collections to choose from, as well as the option to custom-make any design, or size, you are bound to fall in love with a Refined Area Rug. We also custom-make area rugs and carry all other well-known brands such as Oriental Weavers, Karastan, Feizy, etc. at extremely affordable price points.

Custom Area Rugs

While we offer dozens of our original collections, we also understand that sometimes you have a precise vision in your head. We are here to make that vision a reality. We can custom-make any design, style or size area rug! Our design team will capture your vision, and our manufacturing team will bring your vision to life.

We offer fully custom rugs, custom rugs made out of wall-to-wall carpet and custom rug resizing.

Shop With Us

Visit us in person! Our showroom is located at 10770 Talbert Ave. Fountain Valley, CA 92708

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